Hi! My name is Steve.

Whether you meant to or not, you've found the Green Asterisk. I call it that because, in coding, an Asterisk is a wildcard that stands in for any and all terms or characters within given parameters, and in writing it's a notation to look in the margins for an explanation of what you just read. Basically, it can mean anything and everything, so it can fit whatever journey I find myself on in any given moment.

Right now my journey is, in part, that of a web developer and what you see before you is one of the fruits of my labor. Everything on this website was hand-crafted by me using Laravel and TypeScript. Well, except for those text editor boxes; those were made by Tiny MCE. Oh, and I guess I should also mention some of the pictures you see here were created by Midjourney.

My other special interest is tabletop gaming. I run three games a week and the Many Worlds section of this site is where I'm supposed to be keeping a repository of the important information of my homebrew campaigns. (I need to keep up with that better...) Anyway, welcome!